Getting started with Shifts

The capability to add shifts is available from the Activity Listing Form which lets admins divide group opportunities up by date, time, and / or role.   


  • Admins no longer need to create multiple opportunities in order to separate by function or time.  
  • Volunteers can see their options up front and are better able to manage their participation in each opportunity.
  • Easy and intuitive to use
  • All of the volunteer pages are responsive, meaning your employees can sign up for opportunities when it’s convenient for them from their mobile device of choice.
  • Each shift inherits common information from main opportunity such as custom greetings, questions and opportunity admins making them consistent and easy to set up.

Creating an Opportunity with Shifts

  • A shift is a time slot or role that is part of a Special Event opportunity.  
  • Each opportunity can have up to 10 shifts.
  • If an opportunity has shifts, volunteers will be prompted to sign up for specific shift(s) instead of the entire volunteer opportunity.  
  • One volunteer can sign up for multiple shifts.  

Shifts Tab on  the Admin Details Page

On the Admin Details page, opportunities with shifts have a Shifts tab that displays shifts in a table.

Managing Shift Participants

  • Manage Participants displays all the participants signed up for the opportunity
  • Group by shift is the default view and  organizes participants by shift
  • Use the bulk action menu to make updates to participants.  You can:
    • Add hours for participants
    • Move participants between shifts, or remove them from a shift
    • Email participants
  • Use the export feature to create a report of participants

Event Reports with Shifts

Event Signup Report will include shift data.  

  • To create a Signup report, go to the Manage Event page
  • In the Signups and Reporting section, select Run Signup Report
  • In the Filter by Project  section, you can filter by opportunity or by shift
  • For opportunities with shifts, the report will include the shift name in the Shift Name column

Signing up for a shift

  • A volunteer can sign up for one shift, or multiple shifts
  • When Guest Sign Up is enabled, volunteers can sign up friends and family members for shifts
  • The Opportunity Detail page is responsive, making it just as easy to sign up for a shift from a phone as a computer

Searching and Tracking

  • When searching for an opportunity, a badge will show the number of shifts an opportunity has.
  • After a volunteer signs up for a shift, it will display on her Your Volunteering  table so she can track hours for it.


Training Video: Shifts Part 1

Training Video: Shifts Part 2

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