Creating Reports

Click your Name at the top right, select Admin, and the Reports tab.

To create your own report, click the Start New Report button and follow the steps below.

Step 1: DATA

Select the type of report you'd like to run, and how you want the results displayed. 

  • Hours report:  Hours that have been tracked in your VolunteerMatch site.
  • Signups report:  Project signups that have taken place through your VolunteerMatch site.
  • Volunteers:  Registered user accounts on the site
  • Totals: Shows only grouped information (e.g. total hours by department). It will not show individual information (e.g. that Joe tracked 3 hours on 1/1/2017).
  • Individual Records: Shows all information, with one line per entry.

Step 2:  FILTERS

By default, reports include all data from all time.  To narrow down your results, use filters to choose what information is included.  

  • To include data from a specific time period, check Filter by Volunteer Date
  • To include data that matches certain characteristics (i.e. Project City, Company Department, etc.), click More Filters and select your filters using the checkboxes

When you use filters, only the information that matches your selection will be shown.  For example, if you use a Previous Month filter, only Hours/Signups from the previous month will appear in the report. 

If you want to group your report results by a category (i.e. Company Department), you don't need a filter.   Instead, choose the columns you want in the next step.


Select the columns to include in the report.  When making your selections, note that the checkboxes are grouped by subject.  

  • Hours Tracking Fields: columns related to Hours (# of hours, custom questions, etc.)
  • Opportunity/Project Fields: columns related to the Project (name, city, etc.)
  • Organizations Fields: columns related to the Special Event / Nonprofit / Beneficiary (name, etc.)
  • Volunteer Fields: columns related to the individual volunteer (email, department, etc.)

The column order defaults to the order you select them. To reorder them, click Reorder Columns,  then drag & drop them accordingly.

FILTERS VS. COLUMNS - What's the difference? (quick summary)

  • Filters limit the scope of the data you'll see. What slice of the pie are you looking at?
  • Columns determine what information you'll see within the slice.  What columns should appear in the Excel file?

Step 4: TOTALS

Choose how you want the report totaled and sub-totaled. This will group your information. For instance, you total and group your hours report by department, and your report will appear as follows:

Marketing Department
    John Smith, Hours = 4, Department = Marketing
    Jane Doe, Hours = 1, Department = Marketing
Marketing Department Total = 5 Hours

Sales Department
    Joe Montana, Hours = 12, Department = Marketing
Sales Department Total = 12 Hours

Step 5: Click Run Report

Your report will appear in your browser.  You can click to view additional pages, export to Excel, save your settings (for future use), and print.


A few notes on saving reports:

  • If you want to save your report, click the disc icon, choose the folder you want to save the report in and give it a title. The report will then appear in the folder you chose, in the Report Manager.
  • The contents of the My Reports folder are only visible to you. The contents of the Shared Reports folder are visible and editable by all other full site administrators.
  • You can quickly change any saved report's settings and then run or export it.
  • If you make any changes to a saved report’s settings and you want to be able to access that new report again, save the report under a new name after running it.
  • You can also view and run recently generated reports from the Report Manager page.

Available Data Fields

The report wizard allows you to select the information you want from the available data fields as you create a new report. All of the available data fields, and a short description, are included in this spreadsheet for reference: YourMatch Reporting - Available Data Fields

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