Activation Reminder Email

To remind employees about their VolunteerMatch account, you can send reminder emails to accounts that have not been activated. Similar to sending the Activation email, you can customize the sender email address, subject line and message. You can set up and send this message yourself by:

1. Click on 'Account Home' in your Admin toolbar and Scroll down to the 'QuickStart' box. Click 'Activation Reminder Email'. You will see the number of inactive accounts in bold at the top of the page.

2. Enter the sender email address (where the email will appear to be sent from). As the site administrator, your email address will be preset as the default 'from' address, but it can be modified if you like.

3. Customize the subject line and message. There is no character limitation, however, it is advised that you keep your email greeting concise to provide clear messaging. These messages are not HTML customizable.

Note: Please do not edit or delete the _firstname_ or _autologinlink_ tags, as these will auto-populate the first name and the link that will drive the volunteer to access their account with a temporary password.

4. Customize the subject line and message. Preview and Send.

Note: There isn't a way to Save a draft of this email this email for future use like there is for the main Quickstart Activation email - you can only Preview and Send. However, the system will remember the last version of this email you sent and will show that next time.

Note: You'll want to pass along the information contained in this article to your IT team to ensure delivery on your end.

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