Selecting a Benefiting Organization

While creating your Project, you have the option to choose a Nonprofit Partner or Benefiting Organization for your Volunteer Activity. Selecting NO will apply the Special Event as the Beneficiary for reporting and the volunteer opportunity listing page. Selecting YES will display a drop down menu to select from a list of Benefiting Organizations. 

This drop down menu contains any Private Organizations you or other site administrators have created. If you select one of these Organizations, an additional Select Contact field will appear below. The contact(s) of the selected Private Organization will display in the drop down menu below. Find out more information about Private Organizations.

**Important note**: If you assign a Beneficiary Contact, this person will receive emails each time someone signs up or removes him/herself from an opportunity. These are the same emails that the opportunity admin/leader receives, so two emails will go out to these two contacts. Assigning a beneficiary contact is not required.

If you need to add another Organization, select ADD NEW BENEFICIARY and a pop up window will appear and have 2 options:

  1. Manually add an Organization
  2. Search the VolunteerMatch Public Network

Please disable any pop-up blockers on your browser settings, this may prevent the Add Beneficiary window from appearing.

Manually adding an Organization will automatically fill out the Contact field on the Opportunity Listing Page with the first and last name of the Organization contact provided. Benefiting Organization Contacts will receive the following communications:

  • Volunteer signup notification
  • Volunteer removal notification
  • Guest Signup notification
  • Guests removal notification

Adding a Public Network Organization will not yet display the option to select a contact because Public Org administrators have not consented to managing this Activity. VolunteerMatch hopes to provide this connection soon! Please contact your CRM if you're company is interested in supporting this initiative!

Note: The benefiting Organization Contact is not displayed to the Volunteer on the Opportunity Listing Page. The Special Event Admininstrator is displayed as the Activity Contact on the details page, until an Opportunity Admin or Leader is selected or recruited. See this article for more info on Opportunity Admin & Leader management permissions.

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