Adding and Managing Opportunity Photo(s)

Capture your volunteers attention. Add a photo that not only represents the activity, but also draws them into signing up and getting involved. Volunteering action shots are always appealing.

Select the ADD IMAGE link and a pop up window will appear. Please disable any pop-up blockers on your browser, this may prevent the window from appearing.



Choose a .jpeg file from your computer to upload to the Opportunity Listing Page that your volunteers see. The Title (required) and Caption will also appear below the photo on the volunteer Activity details page.

Once you've uploaded your photo, you'll have the option to select that same image from the drop down menu for any additional Activities you create in the same Special Event.

Manage Opportunity Photos

To manage existing photos for the Special event, go to the Manage Special Event page, and select the 'Photo Manager' link in the 'Customize Projects' section.




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