Choosing your Opportunity Title

Your opportunity's title is what shows up in search results, so it's your first and best chance to draw in the ideal volunteer.

Not yet on the opportunity posting page? Click here for guidance.

In this space:

  • You'll want to clearly state the activity being promoted, and inspire signups with creative or compelling language that makes it stand out on the results page.
  • Refrain from describing the details of the opportunity in this space - you'll have space for that below.
  • If it's part of a series and you need to distinguish it, you can indicate the shift or date, for example Marketing Team Beach Cleanup Round 3 - 2:30-4PM.

Examples of effective titles include:

2015 Tribute to the Troops 5k Run and 3K Walk

Best Buddies Challenge - team up with colleagues and tutor local students

Good Corp Month of Service: Memphis Employees Habitat for Humanity Build


*Tip: The title character limit is 100 characters - keeping it under 86 will allow the whole title to display in search results.

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