Opportunity Description, Skills & Requirements
In this section, you'll give prospective volunteers a snapshot of what this opportunity is all about, and help them decide if they are a good candidate to volunteer.
Not yet on the opportunity posting page? Click here for guidance.
In the description field, include a brief explanation of the volunteer activity
- You won't need to repeat information about the date, location, or cause areas of the project - volunteers will be able to see all the fields you are filling out on the project listing page, so focus on any information that is not included elsewhere
- This is a great place to put a "call to action" for why volunteers are needed and what impact they can make
- Leave project requirements such as age limit, as well as key skills, for the next fields
- Select the ABC tool to proofread your description's spelling
- You can format this field like a Microsoft Work document, with bold, italic, list bullets or numbers, and hyperlinks.
Next, you can add the skills that you'd like volunteers for this project to possess
- You can select up to six skills - these will be shown in the details column of the opportunity page
Finally, add in the specific requirements, such as a driver's license, that all volunteer's must have to participate.
- You can choose from standard skills, or describe your own in the open text field
- The time commitment should include any training before the activity
- These will show in the details column above the desired skills
Here is how the volunteer looking at the page will see the description, skills and requirements sections: