Browser Support Information

Last Updated: November 30, 2016

This page provides the names and versions of the internet and/or mobile web browsers that VolunteerMatch supports for accessing the VolunteerMatch Services. Please take note of which ones are supported, below. Using an up-to-date browser will ensure that you have a positive experience with VolunteerMatch.


Browser/Device Support Notes

Chrome 40 and higher, Safari 8 and higher,  IE 11

We currently actively develop with these browsers, and QA/test functionality with them. All sites should look and work perfectly on these browsers.

IE9, IE10, Firefox

We don't actively develop using these browsers, but we DO QA/test with them. Bugs/issues relating to functionality and looks will be fixed.

Edge, Safari 7, Chrome 39 and under

The site has to work but does not have to be free from visual defects. Bugs that prevent proper functionality will be fixed.

IE8 and lower, SeaMonkey, Amazon Silk, Opera

Not supported. No development or QA testing will be done with these browsers.

Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Android mobile devices and tablets

VolunteerMatch tests and supports most features for volunteers on devices with screen sizes 320x568 pixels and larger. Features for nonprofits and administrative users may not be optimized for screens smaller than 1024 x 768.

Recommendations and Requirements for All Browsers

  • For all browsers, you must enable JavaScript and cookies.
  • Screen resolutions smaller than 1024 x 768 may not display all features properly.

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