Managing volunteers on the Manage Participants page
The Manage Participants Page displays details about the people signed up for a project.
At the top you'll see the project overview including the location, date, time, and attendance. At the bottom you'll see the participant list, with information about each attendee. You can sort the list using the filters at the top of each column.
NOTE: if you are an Opportunity Admin / Leader and you need to remove yourself from the participants list, do so from the Manage Participants Page. Otherwise you will remove yourself as an Opportunity Admin / Leader and will not be able to access the project.
With the shifts feature, you'll also be able to view volunteers by shifts.
- I'm an Opportunity Leader / Admin - what can I do?
- Adding Participants
- Removing Participants
- Exporting the Participant List to Excel
- Emailing Participants
- Editing the Waitlist
- Tracking Hours
- Getting a link to the Project Signup Page
I'm an Opportunity Leader / Admin - what can I do?
Opportunity Leaders and Opportunity Admins have different levels of project access:
Opportunity Leaders can:
- Add Participants
- Remove Participants
- Manage the Waitlist
- Communicate with Attendees
- Run Reports
Opportunity Admins can do all of that, PLUS:
- Edit the project details (i.e. date, time, location)
- Track hours for participants
If you need to do something aside from these actions, contact a Full Site Admin or Special Event Admin for assistance.
If you are the Opportunity Leader or Opportunity Admin for a project, you'll see a megaphone icon on the Homepage > Your Activities tab > Your Volunteering table. Click this icon to access the Manage Participants page where you can manage the project.
Adding Participants
To add participants, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Add Participants button in the upper-left area of the page.
2. Enter the email addresses of those you'd like to add. This will hold a place on the project roster for them. Addresses of those already signed up (or those who have removed themselves) will not be added.
3. Participants will receive an email and can click the link inside to visit the Project Signup Page. There they can confirm they'll attend or remove themselves from the project.
Removing Participants
To remove attendees, select their names from the left hand column, and click on the Edit Attendance icon in the upper-right of the table. As you remove participants, you can tell the system to email them about the update.
Exporting The Participant List to Excel
Click the Export Button to create an Excel document with all of these columns, plus any custom questions and participant answers.
Your Excel document will show all information found on the page, including the Removed and Waitlisted participants, as well as custom questions and responses.
Emailing Participants
To email project participants, follow the steps below:
1. Select the participants in the left-hand corner. Then, click the email icon.
This is a great example of where to use filters. You can filter down to a specific status such as “not confirmed”, or "waitlist", then email that subset of participants.
2. Enter your message, and attach documents to send to the selected list. This is a useful tool for sending reminders or follow-up questions.
Editing the Waistlist
To manage your waitlist, select the waitlist view from the Attendance tab in the Manage Participants page of your project.
You can change the order of the waitlist by clicking on the “Edit Waitlist Order” icon on top of the list. Drag and drop participants to the updated view and be sure to click Save to update your list.
As participants are removed from the attending list, the top waitlisted volunteers will automatically be moved onto the attending list, and will be notified of the change.
Tracking Hours
As an Admin, you can track hours for your participants directly from the Manage Participants page. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Select volunteers by checking the boxes next to their names. Or, check the box at the top of the Name column to select all volunteers.
2. Click on the Clock icon. You'll be prompted to choose a time and date, answer project custom questions, and choose whether to notify the participants.
3. If you've chosen to notify participants, an email will be sent with what's been tracked on their behalf and a link to see it on their volunteer profile.
Getting a link to the Project Signup Page
From the Manage Participants page, click the Project Title to visit the Project Signup page.
From the Project Signup Page, copy the URL from your browser's Address Bar and send it to colleagues who you'd like to share the project with.
Attendance Status
The Attendance Status column shows attendees as one of the following:
- Attending - confirmed means they signed themselves up. Or, someone else signed them up and they confirmed their attendance on the Project Signup Page.
- Attending - not confirmed means they were signed up by someone else and have not confirmed or declined their attendance.
- Attending - external guest means they were signed up by someone else and do not have an account on the site (they don't have access to confirm)
You can use the filters at the top of the Attendance Status column to filter the list by this status.
The Attending dropdown menu in the upper-left corner lets you view one of the following attendee lists:
- Waitlist - Shows people who signed up after the project was full
- Removed - Shows people who signed up at one point but are no longer attending
Signup Method & Signed Up By
The Signup Method column explains how the participant was added to the project - there are 3 possibilities:
- Self: The person signed themselves up via the Project Signup page.
- Admin: An Admin or Opportunity Leader signed the person up via the Manage Participants page.
- Host: Another volunteer signed the person up via the Signup Guests button (if applicable for the project) on the Project Signup page.
The Signed Up By column shows the name of the employee or admin who signed up the participant. For those who signed themselves up, this will be blank.
You can sort the Participant List by Signup Method or Signed Up By. This can be useful to see everyone who was signed up a certain host, or type of host.
Question Status
The Question Status column lets you know if the volunteer has answered all of their signup questions (if applicable to the project). If any questions are left unanswered, including questions not marked as required, the status will display as "incomplete".
Tracked Hours
The Tracked Hours column shows any tracked hours for each participant. Filter to see a list of volunteers who have tracked hours or not.
Video Tutorial
Get introduced to the Manage Participants Page in this ten minute tour which covers all the tools you need to sign up, sort, remove, communicate with and track hours for your volunteers.